all postcodes in L9 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L9 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L9 7AA 1 0 53.45539 -2.943997
L9 7AB 4 1 53.459379 -2.935996
L9 7AD 15 3 53.467931 -2.931124
L9 7AE 34 0 53.465456 -2.928117
L9 7AH 48 0 53.460263 -2.952916
L9 7AS 14 11 53.460228 -2.94347
L9 7AJ 14 9 53.460212 -2.943471
L9 7AL 1 1 53.466323 -2.931104
L9 7AN 8 8 53.459783 -2.947467
L9 7AQ 1 1 53.462135 -2.945818
L9 7AU 17 10 53.462314 -2.9468
L9 7BG 9 9 53.456885 -2.94558
L9 7BN 14 13 53.455275 -2.945967
L9 7BP 10 9 53.457731 -2.944606
L9 7BQ 1 1 53.462975 -2.946152
L9 7DB 19 13 53.46117 -2.952815
L9 7DE 1 1 53.461038 -2.951548
L9 7EL 7 5 53.461434 -2.944733
L9 7ES 18 15 53.453333 -2.945772
L9 7ET 21 16 53.451186 -2.941147